We recently treated a patient here at Clarus Dermatology who arrived at the clinic with a basal cell carcinoma (a common type of skin cancer) on her nose. The patient was evaluated by board-certified dermatologist Dr. Neil Shah, who recommended Mohs surgery to clear the tumor.
Two stages of Mohs surgery were required to clear the tumor (image II. was taken after tumor clearance). After the skin cancer was removed, a Rieger flap was undertaken to repair the nose. Redundant tissue surrounding the defect in image II. was removed and surgical incisions were made along the markings to create a flap of skin. This flap was loosened from the underlying tissue, moved into place, trimmed, and sutured in place.
The procedure was performed in-office at our clinic with local anesthesia and the patient remained comfortable throughout. In image III. you can see that the patient’s nose has healed up and returned to a normal contour with a fine scar line three months after the operation.