If IPL treatment sounds familiar, it might be because you’ve seen images that we’ve posted before to demonstrate how IPL reduced red and brown spots on our patient’s skin. If it doesn’t ring a bell, don’t worry, we have a new set of before and after images of a patient that received the procedure so you can learn about it and see its effects on the skin.
Contrary to what you might think, the L in IPL does not stand for laser, but rather light. IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light, and the treatment involves an incredibly high-powered pulsing broadband light – think really bright flashlamp.
IPL is a very powerful device that can burn the skin quite easily, which means that it can be dangerous in untrained hands. We always recommend seeing a board-certified dermatologist for your skin care needs and IPL is definitely not an exception.
For the patient in the image above, Dr. Neil Shah performed the procedure, which involved skilled passes of the light at a relatively high energy setting in a single treatment.
The Post-Operation image was taken a little over a month following the procedure. If you look at the highlighted areas in the image, you can see a significant reduction in the reds on the skin, including improvement of the areas with dilated blood vessels.