Rejuvapen is a microneedling treatment that we use at Clarus Dermatology for a variety of skin care issues – including ones related to sun damage and melasma (a common skin problem that causes brown and gray-brown patches on the face).
The patient in the images here received three Rejuvapen treatments spaced one month apart to address with her skin’s pigmentary issues caused by sun damage and melasma. The before and after images are also shown in black and white below to highlight the reduction in spots and improvement of the look of the skin, especially related to the pigmentary concerns.
Even though issues related to sun damage can often be treated by a board-certified dermatologist, the best way to prevent these issues is to limit how your skin is exposed to the sun – especially since it has started to warm up outside. Wear sun protective clothing (long-sleeve shirts, pants, wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, etc.), apply sunscreen with at least 30 SPF, and don’t be afraid of the shade.